Friday, November 25, 2011

The Misty Night

It was a misty night
the wind swept through
Only to break the silence of the night.
the leaves rustled
trees swayed,
enough to send chill down the spine

Walked he did
a lone starnger
a big gate in front
resting on its rusty hinges,
as it was opened
it creaked
it screamed
for it had reamined untouched for ages.
A murmer ran through the cemetry
among the gathered souls

Each gliding bak to their graves
as the stranger walked
a strange fragrance filled
the ever gloomy atmosphere

He walked up to a grave
A memmory churned up in his mind
of his past,
of his life
He was lost
and the grave become moonlit
and the mist moved from the nameboard
he saw a name

It was a hammering realization!
His name upon the grave,
Why was it so??
Thoughts upon thoughts of why
crept into his mind
Was he at peace now??
In this cold mist night?

The other souls came along,
they too nodded in understanding
as they dispersed for the night,
he too glided into his grave

The wind swept through,
the gates closed
the trees swayed.
It was a misty night!!!!!!!